Monday, June 25, 2012


Dear, readers!

I cannot explain to you my excitement surrounding this post, but I will try without gushing too much! This darling book,  Tatterhood, and Other Tales, was (and still remains) one of my favorite collections of stories from when I was a youngin'!

 My own copy was lost many, many years ago during a move and I was devastated! I could only remember what the cover looked like (lots of green goblins and a white goat) and the fantastic collection of stories inside. I tried searching for it for years, but is always alluded me...until last night. I had never (shamefully) ever thought to just Google a rough plot of some of my favorite stories. And, as if by fate and the evolution of eBooks, there it was.  I quickly ordered a new version and it will be here in two days!

This collection of tales features strong female protagonists who use cunning and wisdom to outsmart evil and vanquish self-doubt. You will not find a damsel in distress in this book! The book features a collection of tales from around the world, diversifying the typically European polarization of the "classic" fairytale experience.

I remember reading one story in particular with my mom over and over again. "The Six Wives Who Ate Onions" definitely instilled in me the courage to be an individual and to stand up for what I like, despite what others thought. And to a lesser extent made me proud of my mom (and still does) for her culinary the story and you will understand. Also, my lingering love for the Black Bull of Norway, which I have commented on before, originated with this book.

Basically, what I am getting at  is this wonderful book simply cannot be ignored. It should be read and enjoyed by all! One of the online reviews I read for this book said that it was a must-read for mothers of daughters. I could not possibly agree more. This collection of stories will set any child's imagination afire, but I believe that in the hearts of girls, that magical fire will live on into adulthood.

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