Saturday, May 1, 2010

Websites that must be seen!

if you are a person of fairytale like us, you must see these sites. My top favorites!

Fairytale Review Journal
make sure to listen to Meghan Pickerel's Scary Lullaby. Its deeply terrifying to me on a personal level, but also as enchantingly beautiful as a song you know your hero should not follow into the woods. I cant stop myself from listening to it.

Marvels and Tales
A peer reviewed journal of fairy tale studies from Wayne University. Unfortunately, they don't have the 2010 issue out yet, but the back issues look fascinating!

Cabinet de Fees
an online journal for lovers of fairytale just as we are here; I just found them today and they look to be an invaluable site for reviews of fairytale based books, movies, and more.

Fairy tale cupboard
another blog dedicated to fairytales. I only just found it but it looks like a lot of fun. if you want to watch something very creepy see the video posted about the tale collected by the Brothers Grimm then taken out of their original collection for being too dark. When Children Played at Slaughter. Its in my complete collection and yeah, its pretty dark...


  1. The website is also wonderful! However it is currently being bought out! we should buy it! :)
